R.League 24/25

R.League is SgRiichi’s first ever a competitive team league comprising players from the SGRiichi community. Eight teams will play against each other in round robin in 3 phases, with 2 teams being eliminated between each phase. Teams will be ranked based on cumulative team score. 

Ruleset and etiquette level

Etiquette level will be set at Level 4 based on SGRiichi (For full etiquette level, see Behaviour Etiquette). Additionally, during a win (tsumo/ron), all players must check and agree on the points scored for the winning hand. After confirming, everyone should place their tiles facedown to show they’re in agreement with the scoring. Point sticks should only be exchanged once all players have closed their hands.Participants who violate etiquette guidelines will receive a warning for the first offence. Subsequent infractions will incur a 3P penalty, which will double with each repeated violation.

R.League will adopt SGRiichi ruleset, with optional rules have been enabled: 

  • Uma (30/10) and Oka (20K)
  • Nagashi Mangan Ari 
  • Kan Dora indicator immediate for Ankan only
  • Renhou considered as a 4 han yaku
  • Chonbo penalty is -30P from team score. (Player score at hanchan does not change.)
  • End game riichi deposits confiscated. 

A penalty point of 1P is equal to 1,000 points. All penalties are to be deducted from the tournament score, and hanchan score for each player does not change. A Chonbo is equal to 30P deduction for tournament score. Players committing repeated infractions may face more severe penalties for obstructions based on the referee’s discretion.

More detailed information about the rule set and penalties can be found at R.Leauge 24/25 Ruleset and Penalties

Team composition

Eight captains will be chosen via a google form sent in the SGRiichi group. Captains will be chosen based on Net mahjong level, as well as experience in mahjong. 

Signup form will be open to SGriichi once captains have been finalised. Total number of players will be determined by signup volume to ensure that each team will have a total of 3 or 4 members. Players with more games, or are more active, are prioritised. 


All team captains will pick either 2 or 3 players, based on signup volume. The first drafted team member will assume the vice captain role, and each subsequent drafted player decreases in team priority. Draftings will be done in person to facilitate the collecting of entry fee, build personal connections, and strengthen the bonds within the league. 

Drafting will occur through a neutral submission process. Each round, all captains will submit a player via a Google Form. If there are no conflicting submissions, the player will automatically be drafted into their respective team. In case of duplicate submissions, the player’s preference of team captains will resolve the tie, and the player will be drafted into their preferred team. The other captain will proceed to the next round without any player drafted into their team.

After a team successfully drafts two players, the team captain will have the option to continue drafting until a maximum of three players (excluding the captain) has been reached, or to stop drafting. Once all captains have chosen to stop drafting, any remaining players in the drafting pool will be automatically assigned to teams that have not yet reached the maximum number of players, based on the previously submitted captain preference. In the event of conflicting preferences for a player, the team captain will resolve the tie by selecting the player for their team. 

During the duration of the League, if the team’s total number falls to 2 or below due to player drop outs, the captain will be able to sub-in a player in his team until it reaches a total number at 3. Team captains will be responsible for sourcing this substitute player. Each player can only be substituted 1 time and substitute players cannot be substituted again if they drop out. If the captain drops out of the team, the title of the captain will be passed on to the first drafted player (vice captain). 

The substitute player shall be exempt from payment of the entry fee, but will still need to put down a deposit, and will be bound by the same rules as any other league player. Furthermore, the substitute player shall only be entitled to a proportionate share of the prize pool corresponding to their entry into the league. 

League format

Each phase will have a minimum and/or maximum number of games that will be confirmed prior to the start of each round. League sessions will be held primarily on Saturday at 12.30pm — 5.30pm or 6pm — 11pm, alternating based on host availability. Additionally, sessions may be scheduled on Sundays during the same time frames, contingent upon host availability. Players who do not hit the minimum number of games will have their deposits confiscated. 

Qualifying rounds

  • Qualifiers: 8 teams
    • ~8-9 months: 35 sesh, total 210 games 
    • 105 games to be completed per team
    • 3 hanchans per sesh 
    • Minimum number of 15 games per player


  • Semi finals: 6 teams
    • Score halved
    • ~4 months: 15 sesh, 30 games
    • 20 games to be competed per team 
    • 3 hanchans per sesh
    • Minimum and maximum number of games per player


  • Finals: 4 teams
    • Score halved
    • 2 months: 8 sesh, 16 games 
    • 16 games to be completed per team 
    • 2 hanchans per sesh
    • Exact number of hanchans per player

Game format

Before the commencement of qualifying rounds, Arbiter schedules will be released to the team captains. If team captains are not able to satisfy their arbiter duties they should inform Ryan at least 1 week beforehand, and a replacement arbiter will be sent instead. Arbiters schedule will be confirmed monthly. 


Scheduling of games

Host-player-Arbiter scheduling will be coordinated by the Operations Coordinator. Team captains must submit the names of the player playing at least 3 days before the game or on the Thursday before the weekend, whichever is earlier. Failure to do so will result in a 30P penalty per half a day (12am to 12pm = half day). Once confirmed, location and team allocated to each location will be released to the players via their captains 1 week prior to the game. Captains will not be allowed to arbit tables where their own team is playing. 

Changing of player

Following the release of the weekend roster, teams have the option to request a change to their scheduled player. Only one alteration is permitted per weekend, except in cases of unforeseen circumstances supported by valid reasons, such as medical illness or compassionate situations. Teams are limited to a total of 5 changes throughout the qualifying round. During the semi-finals, teams may make up to 3 player changes, while no changes are permitted for the finals.


Arbiters are to check the location for unfair advantage to other players (mirror, potential cheating). All rule infractions committed are to be communicated to the League Director by arbiters via telegram, and subsequent penalties are to be included in the google sheet during score submission. Players should arrive at their match location earlier but not later than the start time. A penalty will be given upon the lateness of the player as mentioned in the ruleset and penalties document. Time will be recorded by the arbiter present, or by the lowest SGRiichi ID player present. Breaks will be allowed in between games, and timings will be given by the arbiter. 


All game scores are to be submitted via AKAKO by the 1st place, and uploaded to the league database by the arbiter (via google forms). All scores will be checked by the arbiter before score upload. 

Recording and Streams

Qualifying rounds will not be streamed. Scores will be updated within the week before the next weekend. Semifinals will not be streamed, scores will be updated live via Googlesheets publishing. Finals will be recorded, scores will be updated live via Googlesheets publishing.


  1. Riichi Mahjong Avatar

    Very good competition event.

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